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Canada Flag Canada Revenue
Agence du revenu
du Canada
Protected B when completed  
Calculation of Cumulative Net Investment Loss (CNIL) to December 31, 2023  
Use this form if you had any investment income or investment expenses for 2023.
Your CNIL reduces the amount of your cumulative gains limit for the year and may affect the allowable amount of your capital
gains deduction.
Even if you are not claiming a capital gains deduction in 2023, you should still complete this form if you had any investment
income or expenses in 2023.
Because the balance in your CNIL account represents a cumulative total, you may need this information in a future year. Keep
a copy for your records and attach another copy to your return.
For more information, call 1-800-959-8281.
If, in 2023, you have capital gains other than from the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property, or qualified small
business corporation shares, first complete Chart A on page 3 of this form to determine if you have additional investment
income to include when you calculate your CNIL.
Part 1 – Investment expenses claimed on your 2023 return
  Carrying charges and interest expenses (line 22100)   1  
  Net rental losses (line 12600)   + 2  
  Limited or non-active partnership losses (line 12200)
  other than allowable capital losses   + 3  
  Limited partnership losses of other years after 1985 (line 25100)    + 4  
  50% of exploration and development expenses (line 22400)   + 5  
  Any other investment expenses claimed in 2023 to earn property income
(see the list of other investment expenses on the next page) 68080 + 6  
  Additional investment expenses: if you did not complete Chart A on page 3 of
this form, enter "0". Otherwise, enter whichever is less: the amount from 
  line 14 in Chart A or from line 25300 of your return.   + 7  
  Add lines 1 to 7 Total investment expenses claimed in 2023    =  ►  A
Part 2 – Investment income reported on your 2023 return
  Investment income (lines 12000 and 12100)   8  
  Net rental income, including recaptured capital cost allowance (line 12600)    + 9  
  Net income from limited or non-active partnership (line 12200) other than taxable
  capital gains   + 10  
  Any other property income reported in 2023 (see the list of other property income on the next
page) including annuity payments taxable under paragraph 56(1)(d)
minus the capital portion deducted under paragraph 60(a) 68100 + 11  
  50% of income from the recovery of exploration and development expenses
(line 13000) 68110 + 12  
  Additional investment income: if you did not complete Chart A on page 3 of this form, enter "0".
  Otherwise, enter the amount from line 14 in Chart A.   + 13  
  Add lines 8 to 13 Total investment income reported in 2023    =  ►  B
Do not use this area  
T936 E (23) (Ce formulaire est disponible en français.)   Page 1 of 3

Protected B when completed
Other investment expenses
  repayments of inducements
  repayments of refund interest
  the uncollectible portion of proceeds from dispositions of depreciable property except passenger vehicles that cost more
than $30,000 for vehicles acquired prior to 2022, $34,000 for vehicles acquired in 2022 and $36,000 for 2023 and later
years that were not, at any time, designated immediate expensing property
  sale of agreement for sale, or mortgage or hypothecary claim included in proceeds of disposition in a previous year under
subsection 20(5)
  foreign non-business tax under subsections 20(11) and 20(12)
  life insurance premiums deducted from property income
  capital cost allowance claimed on certified films and videotapes
  farming or fishing losses claimed by a non-active partner or a limited partner
Do not include:
  expenses incurred to earn business income
  repayment of shareholders' loans deducted under paragraph 20(1)(j)
  interest paid on money borrowed to:
  i) buy an income averaging annuity contract
  ii) pay a premium under a registered retirement savings plan
  iii) make a contribution to a registered pension plan
  iv) make a contribution to a deferred profit-sharing plan
Other property income
  amounts from insurance proceeds for the recapture of capital cost allowance
(other than amounts already included on line 9)
  home insulation or energy conversion grants under paragraph 12(1)(u)
  payments received as an inducement or reimbursement
  income from the appropriation of property to a shareholder
  farming and fishing income reported by a non-active or a limited partner
  other income from a trust
  allowable capital losses included in partnership losses of other years after 1985
  amounts withdrawn from AgriInvest Fund 2
  CPP or QPP death benefit payments reported on your T1 return
Do not include:
  income amounts that relate to business income
  payments received from an income averaging annuity contract
  payments received from an annuity contract bought under a deferred profit-sharing plan
  shareholders' loans included in income under subsection 15(2)
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Protected B when completed
Part 3 – Cumulative net investment loss (CNIL)
  Total investment expenses claimed in 2023 (line A in Part 1)   14  
  Total investment expenses claimed in previous years after 1987:
enter the amount from line 16 in Part 3 of Form T936 for 2022. If you did
  not complete Form T936 for 2022, see note 1 below.   + 15  
  Cumulative investment expenses (total of lines 14 and 15)   =  ►  16
  Total investment income reported in 2023 (line B in Part 2)   17  
  Total investment income reported in previous years after 1987:
enter the amount from line 19 in Part 3 of Form T936 for 2022. If you did
  not complete Form T936 for 2022, see note 2 below.   + 18  
  Cumulative investment income (total of lines 17 and 18)   =  ►  19
  Cumulative net investment loss (CNIL) to December 31, 2023
  Line 16 minus line 19 (if negative, enter "0")   =  C
  If you are claiming a capital gains deduction on your 2023 return, enter the amount from line C on line 28
  of Form T657 for 2023.
  1. To calculate your total investment expenses from previous years, complete Part 1 of Form T936 for each year
from 1988 to 2022 in which you had investment expenses (do not complete line 7 for 1988 to 1991). Add the amounts
from line A and enter the total on line 15 above.
  2. To calculate your total investment income from previous years, complete Part 2 of Form T936 for each year from 1988
to 2022 in which you had investment income (do not complete line 13 for 1988 to 1991). Add the amounts from line B and
enter the total on line 18 above.
Chart A
  Enter the amount from line 19900 of Schedule 3 (if negative, show the amount in brackets).
  If the amount on this line is "0", do not complete lines 2 to 13, and enter "0" on line 14.   1
  Amount from line 10700 of Schedule 3      2
  Amount from line 11000 of Schedule 3   +  3
  Amount from line 12400 of Schedule 3   +  4
  Add lines 2 to 4 (if negative, show the amount in brackets).   = 5  
  If you reported an amount on line 19200 of Schedule 3, enter the amount
from line 12 on Form T2017. Otherwise, enter the amount from line 5
  on line 7.   + 6  
  Line 5 plus line 6 (if negative, enter "0")   = 7  
  Enter 1/2 of line 7   8
  Line 1 minus line 8 (if negative, enter "0")
If the amount on this line is "0", do not complete lines 10 to 13, and enter "0" on line 14. If the
amount on this line includes an amount from a T3 slip, complete lines 10 to 12 below. Otherwise,
  enter "0" on line 13.   = 9
  Enter the amount from box 21 of all 2023 T3 slips 68140 10  
  Enter the amount from box 30 of all 2023 T3 slips   11  
  Line 10 minus line 11 68150 = 12  
  Enter 1/2 of line 12   13
  Line 9 minus line 13 (if negative, enter "0") Additional investment income   = 14
See the privacy notice on your return.
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