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Protected B when completed
Note 1: Columns 4, 6, 8 and 9 apply only to designated immediate expensing properties (DIEPs). See subsection 1104(3.1) of the federal Income Tax
Regulations for definitions. A DIEP is a property that you acquired after December 31, 2021, and that became available for use in the current year.
For more information, see Guide T4036.
Note 2: The proceeds of disposition of a ZEPV that has been included in Class 54, or a passenger vehicle purchased after April 18, 2021 that has been included
in Class 10.1, and whose cost exceeds the prescribed amount will be adjusted based on a factor equal to its prescribed amount as a proportion of the
actual cost of the vehicle. For dispositions after July 29, 2019, you will have to adjust the actual cost of the vehicle for any payments or repayments of
government assistance that you may have received or repaid in respect of the vehicle.
If the passenger vehicle in Class 10.1 is not designated for immediate expensing treatment, this special rule does not apply. For more information on
proceeds of disposition, read "Class 10.1 (30%)" and "Class 54 (30%)" in Guide T4036. For more information about the prescribed amounts,
see Chapter 4 of Guide T4036.
Note 3: The amount you enter in column 8 must not exceed the amount in column 7. If the amount in column 7 is negative, enter "0."
Note 4: The immediate expensing applies to DIEPs included in column 8. The total immediate expensing amount for the tax year (total of column 9) is limited to
the lesser of:
•  the immediate expensing limit, which is equal to one of the following, whichever is applicable:
  $1.5 million, if you are not associated with any other eligible person or partnership (EPOP) in the tax year
  amount iii of Area G, if you are associated with one or more EPOPs in the tax year
  zero, if you are associated with one or more EPOPs and an agreement that assigns a percentage to one or more of the associated EPOPs was
not filed with the minister in a prescribed form
  any amount allocated by the minister under subsection 1104(3.4) of the Regulations
•  the UCC of DIEPs in column 8
•  the amount of income, if any, earned from the source of income that is a property (before any CCA deductions) in which the relevant DIEP is used
for the tax year
  For more information, see Guide T4036.
Note 5: Columns 11, 13 and 14 apply only to accelerated investment incentive properties (AIIPs) (see subsection 1104(4) of the federal Income Tax Regulations
for the definition), zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), zero-emission passenger vehicles (ZEPVs) and other eligible zero-emission automotive equipment
and vehicles that become available for use in the year. In this chart, ZEV represents ZEVs, ZEPVs and other eligible zero-emission automotive
equipment and vehicles. An AIIP is a property (other than a ZEV) that you acquired after November 20, 2018, and that became available for use before
2028. A ZEV is a motor vehicle included in Class 54 or 55 that you acquired after March 18, 2019, and that became available for use before 2028, or
eligible zero-emission automotive equipment and vehicles included in Class 56 acquired after March 1, 2020, and that became available for use before
2028. For more information, see Guide T4036.
Note 6: The relevant factors for properties available for use before 2024 are 2 1/3 (Classes 43.1, 54 and 56), 1 1/2 (Class 55), 1 (Classes 43.2 and 53), 0
(Classes 12 and 13) and 1/2 for the remaining AIIPs.
For more information on AIIPs, CCA, ZEVs and ZEPVs, see Guide T4036 or go to canada.ca/taxes-accelerated-investment-income.
Area B – Equipment additions in the year
1 2 3 4 5
Property details Total cost Personal portion
(if applicable)
Rental portion
(col. 3 minus
col. 4)
Total equipment additions in the year: Total of column 5  9925
Area C – Building additions in the year
1 2 3 4 5
Property details Total cost Personal portion
(if applicable)
Rental portion
(col. 3 minus
col. 4)
Total building additions in the year: Total of column 5  9927
Area D – Equipment dispositions in the year
1 2 3 4 5
Property details Proceeds of
disposition (should
not be more than
the capital cost)
Personal portion
(if applicable)
Rental portion
(col. 3 minus
col. 4)
  Total equipment dispositions in the year: Total of column 5  9926
T776 E (23) Page 4 of 5

Protected B when completed
Area E – Building dispositions in the year
1 2 3 4 5
Property details Proceeds of
disposition (should
not be more than
the capital cost)
Personal portion
(if applicable)
Rental portion
(col. 3 minus
col. 4)
  Total building dispositions in the year: Total of column 5  9928
Area F – Land additions and dispositions in the year
Total cost of all land additions in the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9923  
Total proceeds from all land dispositions in the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9924  
Note: You cannot claim capital cost allowance on land. For more information, see Chapter 4 of Guide T4036.
Area G – Agreement between associated eligible persons or partnerships (EPOPs)
Are you associated in the fiscal period with one or more EPOPs that you have entered into an agreement with under
subsection 1104(3.3) of the Regulations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No
If you answered yes, fill in the table below.
Enter the percentage assigned to each associated EPOP (including yourself) as determined in the agreement.
This percentage will be used to allocate the immediate expensing limit. The total of all percentages assigned under the agreement should not exceed 100%.
If the total does exceed 100%, then the associated group has an immediate expensing limit of zero. For more information about the immediate expensing
limit, see Guide T4036.
1 2 3
Name of the EPOP Identification number

Note 7
Percentage assigned under the
Total of percentage assigned: Total of column 3
Immediate expensing limit allocated to you: Multiply 1.5 million by the percentage assigned to you in column 3 (see note 8) . . . . . . iii
Note 7: The identification number is the EPOP's social insurance number, business number or partnership account number.
Note 8: If the total of column 3 exceeds 100%, enter "0."
See the privacy notice on your return.
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