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Federal Income Tax

Schedule 11 
Enter the tax year in the box above.
For information on completing this schedule, see Chapter 3 in Guide T4013, T3 Trust Guide.
Include a completed copy of this schedule with the trust's return.
Enter your taxable income from line 43 of the T3 return.    1
Step 1 – Tax on taxable income
  Graduated Rate Estates (GRE) or Qualified Disability Trusts (QDT)
  Use the amount from line 1 to determine which one of the following columns you have to complete.

If the amount from line 1 is:

$53,359 or less
more than $53,359
but not more than
more than $106,717
but not more than
more than $165,430
but not more than

more than
  Enter the amount from line 1 above.    2
  Base amount    3
  Line 2 minus line 3   = = = = =  4
  Tax rate   x                 15% x                20.5% x               26% x               29% x               33%  5
  Multiply line 4 by the rate on line 5.   = = = = =  6
  Tax on base amount   + + + + +  7
  Federal tax on taxable income    
  (line 6 plus line 7)   = = = = =  8
  Trusts other than GRE and QDT
  Federal tax on taxable income Line 1  x  33% =    9
Step 2 – Federal tax
  Federal tax on taxable income (line 8 or line 9) 11080 10
  Federal recovery tax (line 27 of Form T3QDT-WS) 11100 + 11
  Adjusted federal tax (add lines 10 and 11)   =  12
  Federal dividend tax credit
  Dividend tax credit for eligible dividends
  line 24 of Schedule 8 x 54.5455% = 11108 13
  Dividend tax credit for dividends other than eligible dividends
  line 31 of Schedule 8 x 69.2308% = 11109 + 14
  Total federal dividend tax credit (line 13 plus line 14) 11110 =  ► 15
  Donations and gifts tax credit (from line 30 of schedule 11A but not more than line 12 minus
  line 15 from schedule 11; if negative, enter "0")   + 16
  Total credits (line 15 plus line 16)   =  ►  17
  Subtotal (line 12 minus line 17; if negative, enter "0")   =  18
  Minimum tax carryover from previous years (line 71 of Schedule 12) 11130 19
  Basic federal tax (line 18 minus line 19; if negative, enter "0") 11150 =  20
  Surtax on income not subject to provincial or territorial tax
  (part of line 20 not subject to these taxes) x 48% = 11160 + 21
  Subtotal (line 20 plus line 21)   =  22
  Continue at line 22 on the other side.  
T3 SCH 11 E(23) (Ce formulaire est disponible en français.) Page 1 of 2 

Protected B when completed 
Schedule 11 
Step 2 – Federal tax (continued)
  Enter the amount from line 22 on the previous page.    22
  Federal foreign tax credit (available to resident trusts only;
  attach Form T3 FFT, T3 Federal Foreign Tax Credits for Trusts) 11180 23
  Total federal political contributions 11191  24
  Allowable federal political contribution tax credit
  (from the calculation for Schedule 11, line 25 in Guide T4013, T3 Trust Guide) 11190 + 25
  Investment tax credit (from Form T2038(IND), Investment Tax Credit (Individuals)) 11200 + 26
  Federal logging tax credit for British Columbia 11210 + 27
  Federal environmental trust tax credit 11213 + 28
  Federal logging tax credit for Quebec 11214 + 29
  Total credits (add lines 23, and 25 to 29)   =  ►  30
  Subtotal (line 22 minus line 30; if negative, enter "0")   =  31
  Additional tax on registered education savings plan accumulated income payments (attach Form T1172)   +  32
  Federal tax payable (line 31 plus line 32)   =  33
  If minimum tax applies to the trust, continue the calculations on Schedule 12.
If not, enter the amount from line 33 on line 44 of the return.
  Refundable Quebec abatement (see Schedule 11, line 34 in Guide T4013, T3 Trust
  Guide) line 20 x 16.5% =    34
  Enter this amount on line 50 of the return.
See the privacy notice on your return.
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